Physics in Higher Education

V. 5, N 2, 1999

The contents
3 Introduction

V.I. Nikolaev
5 Education ICT Network at Moscow State University
V. A. Sadovnichy, V. I. Trukhin, V.A. Vasenin, A.N. Sandalov, N.A. Sukhareva
23 Bases of the Theory of Inter-subject Connections
T.N. Gnitetskaya
40 Thermodynamical Square
V.I. Nikolaev
62 Refinement of the University Physics Course
A.Yu. Gryaznov
70 Entrance Testing in Continuity Realization of School and University Physics Courses
G.M. Schevelyova, N.N. Bezryadin
73 Entropy as a Measure of the Chaotic State of a Thermodynamic System
A.A. Shartz
84 Laboratory Project: "Designing a Meter of Temperature"
S.á. Kazantchev, á.H. ábdrahmanova, F.í. Samigullin
90 Determination of a Contact Potential Difference for p-n-transition
V.S. Antipenko, V.I. Kozlov, I.S. Tereshina
92 New Students' Laboratory Project: "Ionic Conductivity and Diffusion Studies in Superionic Conductors"
M.Kh. Balapanov, G.R. Akmanova, A.K. Galiev
94 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Experiments in Students' Laboratory
A.S. Azheganov, D.A. Gorinov, I.V. Izmestiev
103 LÁrmor Precession of Protons
V.I. Kozlov, I.S. Tereshina
105 Experiments with Solitons in Nonlinear Transmissions Lines
V.F. Marchenko, I.T. Trofimenko
115 Laboratory Study on the Research of Interference of Waves with Circular Polarizations
N.Ya. Molotkov, V.V. Shal'nev, N.V. Khvostov, V.B. Divak
124 Non-Maxwell Distribution Functions and Their Study in General Physics Labs
P.S. Bulkin, G.A. Mironova
130 Role of the Computer in a Demonstrational Experiment
A.I. Skvortsov, A.I. Fishman
134 Computer Experiments as a Tool of Activating the Learning Process of Students
T.V. Kotyrlo, I.V. Belitsyn, A.A. Vikharev
137 Computer Modeling in the Laboratory Course in Physics of Solids
N.N. Bezryadin, G.M. Schevelyova, Yu.V. Synorov, T.V. Prokopova
140 The Achievements of Physical Sciences - Modern Medical Education
V.K. Koumykov
146 Kinematics of a Material Particle - Problems for the General Physics Course for Astronomy Majors
K.V. Bychkov, I.M. Saraeva
162 Information, abstacts and advertising




Education ICT Network at Moscow State University

V.A. Sadovnichy, V.I. Trukhin, V.A. Vasenin,

A.N. Sandalov, N.A. Sukhareva

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

119899 Moscow, Russia

The article presents the development of Moscow State University's educational net. It was developed using the concept of the educational sub-net of Informational Communication Technology of the Physics Department at MSU. Further, the high performance Information Communication Network (ICN) of the Physics Department at MSU is described. The information block development concept, the software standards for teaching materials, the structure of basic hardware and software modules, satisfying academic information system requirements are discussed. Further, the ICT support of lecture courses experience and the projects of open distributed learning for MSU departments and Moscow elementary schools are described. The realization of the first stage of the program for the elementary schools of Moscow City and Russian universities are reported.


Basis of the Theory of Inter-subject Connections

T.N. Gnitetskaya

Far East State University, Vladivostok;

The basis of the theory of inter-subject connections is developed. The principles, models, theories, laws, and concepts are presented in the corresponding groups. The definition of inter-subject connections, as a connection realized through elements of a group. This connection is shown in several objects of studying. The concept of a unit is established, and is described as a characteristic of an element of a group in relation to some element of structure, length of connection, force of connection, and force of connection of a structural element with the structure of a general physics course. For one of the structures of a traditional course of general physics, the classification of elements of a group of laws by their importance is given as an example. The method allows on a basis of intersubjects connections not only to optimize but also to carry out the structurization of a general physics course.


Thermodynamical Square

V.I. Nikolaev

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics

The construction of the so-called thermodynamical square is described which is used in five various mnemonic rules. With the help of these rules, it is easy to write down several sets of one-type formulae which are widely used in thermodynamics. These formulae contain the thermodynamical potentials, or their natural variables, or those and others at the same time. Cases are considered in which the potentials depend on either two or three natural variables.


Refinement of the University Physics Course

A.Yu. Gryaznov

Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics

A version of the refinement of the university physics course is proposed based on Kant's methodological apriorism. The article deals with the problems concerning the definition of inertial frame of reference and the relationship between deductive and inductive methods in the university physics course.


Entrance Testing in Continuity Realization of School and University Physics Courses

G.M. Schevelyova, N.N. Bezryadin

Voronezh State Technological Academy

The technologies of physics entrance testing of first year students and the use of testing results for the successful university level physics education are discussed.


Entropy as a Measure of the Chaotic State of a Thermodynamic System

A.A. Shartz

Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN"

The article offers a new method teaching the concept of entropy in technical universities. The main emphasis is on the qualitative aspect of the entropy concept and on more precise definitions of using terminology.


Laboratory Project: "Designing a Meter of Temperature"

S.á. Kazantchev, á.H. ábdrahmanova, F.í. Samigullin

ëÁzan State Technological University

A project for the physics laboratory course on "Electricity" is discussed. It relates to choosing optimal parameters of the scheme, intended for compensating for environmental temperature influence on thermocouple measurements . The project is done on PC.


Determination of a Contact Potential Difference for p-n-transition

V.S. Antipenko, V.I. Kozlov, I.S. Tereshina

Moscow State Technical University "MAMI"

Moscow State University, Physics Department

A laboratory study is presented, in which the temperature measurements of a return current at small return voltage for determination of p-n-transition contact potential difference are realized with the help of a specially designed simple device.


New Students' Laboratory Project: "Ionic Conductivity and Diffusion Studies in Superionic Conductors"

M.Kh. Balapanov, G.R. Akmanova, A.K. Galiev

Ufa, Bashkortostan State University, Physics Department

A new project for the students' laboratory is proposed, where ionic conductivity temperature dependence of Cu2Se high-temperature phase is under investigation in a range of 320-400ϗ. The activation energy is determined and self-diffusion coefficients of copper are calculated.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Experiments in Students' Laboratory

A.S. Azheganov, D.A. Gorinov, I.V. Izmestiev

Perm' State University

The NMR-relaxometer for NMR experiments in ferromagnetic materials is described. The methods for NMR frequency and relaxation time measurements are considered.


LÁrmor Precession of Protons

V.I. Kozlov, I.S. Tereshina

Moscow State University, Physics Department

The laboratory work on protons Larmor precession is described.


Experiments with Solitons in Nonlinear Transmissions Lines

V.F. Marchenko, I.T. Trofimenko

Physics Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.

The article considers methodical questions, that are connected with the experimental study of solitons of the Korteweg-de Vries type in nonlinear transmission lines. The following sections of the article describe the active model, the short theory of solitons KdV in discrete transmission line of the type low frequencies filter with nonlinear capacities (varactors), description of the model, including a system of automatic indication, and exercises on formation and interaction of solitons, and other quantitative features.


Laboratory Study on the Research of Interference of Waves with Circular Polarizations

N.Ya. Molotkov, V.V. Shal'nev, N.V. Khvostov, V.B. Divak

Tambov State University

In scientific and educational literature on wave optics it is almost impossible to find the description of experiments of Arago (1824), as well as the theory of interference of light waves with circular polarizations. Undoubtedly, at the closer examination of wave optics in university level, these questions should be given some attention, which will allow to expand the knowledge of students about the phenomena of interference.


Non-Maxwell Distribution Functions and Their Study in General Physics Labs

P.S. Bulkin, G.A. Mironova

Moscow State University, Physics Department

In a practical work of the Physics Department of Moscow State University, a device for the measurement of energy distribution functions of electrons in multigrid lamp is assembled. Thermal electrons coming from the cathode are exposed to the influence of a spatial charge, contact difference of potentials, and other factors. The measurements are conducted by a method of detaining potential.

This method not only allows to receive functions of distribution at various spatial charges, but also to estimate the size of a potential barrier at the cathode, temperature, average energy, and average concentration of thermal electrons.


Role of the Computer in a Demonstrational Experiment

A.I. Skvortsov, A.I. Fishman

Kazan' State University, Kremlievskaia str. 18, Kazan', 420008, Russia


The set-up with a PC for a demonstrational experiment is described. The computer with peripheral sensors allows to receive quantitative characteristics of the phenomena. These quantitative experiments present the phenomena in more details. Our set-up offers the possibility of new types of lectures which have experimental-research characteristics.


Computer Experiments as a Tool of Activating the Learning Process of Students

T.V. Kotyrlo, I.V. Belitsyn, A.A. Vikharev

I.I. Polzunov Altay State Technical University

The computer experiment has one big advantage in comparison to real experiment. It essentially saves time, because the preparation of the experiment only consists of initial data input in the computer. The real physical experiment, which previously was not possible because of its complexity, can now be replaced by a computer experiment with appropriate support of computer resources. The computer experiment, as a method of learning, has a large pedagogical potential.


Computer Modeling in the Laboratory Course in Physics of Solids

N.N. Bezryadin, G.M. Schevelyova, Yu.V. Synorov, T.V. Prokopova

Voronezh State Technological Academy

In addition to the traditional laboratory course in physics of solids a method combining a real experiment with investigation of phenomena by means of computer modeling is suggested. The method is designed for university level students, studying the general course of physics.


The Achievements of Physical Sciences - Modern Medical Education

V.K. Koumykov

Kabardino-Balkarian State University, Nal'chik, Russia

The paper is devoted to the analysis of the program of physics for medical majors in Russian universities. The author suggests to include questions relevant to achievements in modern medical technologies into the program.


Kinematics of a Material Particle - Problems for the General Physics Course for Astronomy Majors

K.V. Bychkov, I.M. Saraeva

P.K. Sternberg State Astronomy Institute

Moscow State University, Physics Department

Problems are suggested for student seminars (astronomy) on the topic of "Kinematics of a Material Particle".