Physics in Higher Education
V. 22, N 3, 2016

The contents
5 Perhaps the Solution to the Problem of Scientific Literacy in Russia?
I.Yu. Aleksashina, E.B. Petrova, M.Yu. Korolev, A.Yu. Pentin, N.I. Odintsova
11 The Role of Integrated Information Intra Physics Course in Training Modern Engineers
T.N. Gnitetskaya, L.L. Afremov, B.L. Reznik, E.B. Ivanova, J.E. Shutko,
O.E. Grishaev
27 Information Technologies: to What Extent They Can Really Be Useful in Teaching Physics and Mathematics?
N.P. Kalashnikov, A.S. Olchak, O.V. Scherbachev
34 Differentiated Approach in University Student’s Independent Work Organization with Information Technologies
D.A. Isaev, L.B. Filippova
46 The State and Prospects of the Physics Practicum at the Technical University
N.A. Zadorozhniy, A.N. Morozov, S.L. Timchenko
55 About Measuring Plank Constant (h) in Physics Laboratory
V.N. Kologrivov
63 Usage of Multipurpose Software at Laboratory Lessons of «Atomic Physics» Department of MEPhI
N.A. Klyachin, A.Yu. Matronchik, E.V. Khangulyan
71 The Use of Logic-Dynamic Processes Specification for Computer Implementation of Dynamic Systems Physical Models
V.M. Shpakov
86 From the Home of the Experiment in Physics – to Kurchatov Project: Stages of pre-University Training in the Lyceum
I.A. Gerasimov, A.U. Matronchik, G.S. Bogdanov
95 The Effectiveness of Teaching Physics at the Preparatory Departments of Technical Colleges
À.À. Chovpan
100 Training of Future Physics Teachers to Manage Educational and Research Projects at School
E.I. Varaksina, V.V. Mayer
108 Lab «Research of Talbot Effect in the Diffraction of Light on the Amplitude Diffraction Gratings»
B.G. Skuybin, E.V. Smirnov
120 New Installation for the Study of Rolling Friction
A.R. Filipp, I.I. Jolnerevich, V.V. Gurinovich
133 Determination of the Basic Characteristics of Lithium-ion Battery
À.I. Ukolov
139 Electrostatic Field of a Periodically Charged Direct Wire
S.Yu. Glazov, T.A. Kovaleva, G.A. Syrodoev
149 Experimental Research Problem «Oscillating Circuit Containing Two Consecutively Connected Condensers»
S.P. Zhakin, I.N. Rogova
161 The Mechanical Forces and the Task of Dynamics in Teaching of Physics. Part 1. The Forces of Mechanics
A.V. Kupavtsev, E.O. Kiktenko


Founders of the Journal:
Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation Moscow Physical Society
International Association of Developers and Manufactures of Educational Technology
The four-monthly journal ISSN 1609-3143

The journal is registered at the State Committee of the Russian Federation on the Press. Certificate of registration of the mass media no. 019360 dated November 2, 1999.

Journal Council
Oleg N. Krokhin – Prof., Dr. Sci., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), (Editor-in-Chief)
Anatoliy D. Gladun — Prof., Dr. Sci., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
Nikolay P. Kalashnikov – Prof., Dr. Sci., National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
Yuriy G. Rudoy — Prof., Dr. Sci., Russian People’s Friendship University
Mikhail B. Shapochkin – Prof., Dr. Sci., Chairman of the Board of Moscow Physical Society, (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
Yuriy L. Kolesnikov — Prof., Dr. Sci., St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics - Optics
Nikolay N. Kudryavtsev — Prof., Dr. Sci., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Mikhail N. Strikhanov — Prof., Dr. Sci., National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Nikolay N. Sysoev— Prof., Dr. Sci., Lomonosov Moscow State University
Dmitry R. Khokhlov — Prof., Dr. Sci., Lomonosov Moscow State University, Corresponding
Member of Russian Academy of Sciences

Editorial Board

Olga N. Golubeva — Prof., Dr. Sci., Russian People’s Friendship University
Yuriy A. Gorohovatskiy — Prof., Dr. Sci., Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
Irina N. Zavestovskaya — Prof., Dr. Sci., P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) Vladimir S. Lebedev— Prof., Dr.  Sci., P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
Andrey N. Morozov — Prof., Dr. Sci., National Research Bauman Technical University
Yuriy S. Pesotskiy — Prof., Dr. Sci., Association «MARPUT»
Natalia S. Purysheva – Prof., Dr. Sci., Moscow Pedagogical State University Alexander M. Saleckiy – Prof., Dr. Sci., Lomonosov Moscow State University Gennadiy G. Spirin — Prof., Dr. Sci., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Galina P. Stefanova —Prof., Dr. Sci., Astrakhan State University

Executive Secretary
Nikolay V. Kalachev — Prof., Dr. Sci., Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)

Technical Edition
Pavel D. Berezin — technical editing, Publishing Service P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS
Tatyana Val. Alekseeva— engineer Publishing Service P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS
Tatyana Vik. Alekseeva — editor Publishing Service P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS

Phone: +7 (499) 132-66-51


Perhaps the Solution to the Problem of Scientific Literacy in Russia?
I.Yu. Aleksashina1, E.B. Petrova2, M.Yu. Korolev2, A.Yu. Pentin3, N.I. Odintsova2 1 St. 1Petersburg Academy of In9Service Pedagogical Education,
191002, St. Petersburg, Lomonosov str. 11913; e9mail:
2Moscow Pedagogical State University,
119991, Moscow, Malaya Pirogovskaya, 1, bld. 1; e9mail:,,
3Institute for strategy of education development, Centre for science education, 105062, Moscow, Makarenko str., 5/16

Received May 31, 2016 PACS

The article examines the role of laboratory science workshop for graduate students of the master program «The Modern Natural Sciences» (pedagogical education). Discusses the importance of natural-science laboratory course for the formation of the competences required for the inclusive education of students of pedagogical universities.
Keywords: natural-science education of students, pedagogical education, state educational standards.

References [in Russian]

  1. Aleksashina I.Yu. Formation teaching integrated course «Science» and methodological support teacher//Physics in school. 2016. N S3. Pp. 94-97.
  2. Zelichenko V.M., Koroleva L.V., Korolev M.Yu. On the necessity of the bachelors according to “Science” within the framework of the pedagogical education// Physics in school. 2016. N S3. Pp. 13-17.
  3. Ignatova V.A. Methodology of post-non-classic science in science student education content // Physics in school. 2016. N S3. Pp. 75-78.
  4. Korolev M.Yu. The main problems of teaching integrative science at pedagogical universities in the context of FGOS // Physics in school. 2016. N S3. Pp. 18-20.
  5. Odintsova N.I. About science programmes for secondary and professional education // Physics in school. 2016. N S3. Pp. 98-102.
  6. Razumovsky V.G., Pentin A.Yu., Nikiforov G.G., Popova G.M. Organization and some of the results of the first Russian municipal studies natural science literacy and experimental skills of primary school graduates (material physics) // Physics in school. 2016. N S3. Pp. 111-117.
  7. Sviridov V.V., Goldfarb M.V. The humanitarian nature of the course “Science” through the prism of FGOS requirements // Physics in school. 2016. N S3. Pp. 79-84.


The Role of Integrated Information Intra Physics Course in Training Modern Engineers
T.N. Gnitetskaya, L.L. Afremov, B.L. Reznik,
E.B. Ivanova, J.E. Shutko, O.E. Grishaev
The School of Natural Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University 8, Suhanova st., Vladivostok, 690950, Russia;

Received May 19, 2016 PACS 01.40. Fk

This article describes a summary analysis of the complexity of such a discipline as physics in the structure of academic training for future engineers. A significant complexity of the discipline that is being implemented at the Russian universities of different levels and types is established. It illustrates that the main problem in structuring and systematization of the physics course information is the violation of the integrity of physics content due to the high degree of independence and a weak correlation of the material in the structural elements of physics courses. A comparison of physics courses’ content by different authors is realized on the basis of quantitative theory of intra-disciplinary links (by T.N. Gnitetskaya). An importance criterion for knowledge elements is introduced and its calculation formula is proposed. An integrity of courses is calculated in accordance of laws and theories groups. A physics course which integrity of content is very important is defined.
Keywords: contents of physics course, engineering education, intra-disciplinary links, graph model, integrity.

References [in Russian]

  1. Astakhov V.A., Shirokov Yu.M. The course of physics (in 3 volumes). – M: Science. 1983. – 984 p.
  2. John Glenn, it is not yet too late
  3. Gnitetskaya T.N. Basic theory intrasubject communications // Physics in Higher Education. Vol. 5. Number 2. 1999. pp. 23-29.
  4. Gnitetskaya T.N. Learning process optimization by combining laboratory and practical classes // Physics in Higher Education. Vol. 2. 1996. ¹ 2. P. 38-52.
  5. Gnitetskaya T.N. Graph Model of intradisciplinary Connections in Example of General Physics Course Journal of Physics: Conference Series 633 (2015) 012091 doi: 10.1088 / 1742-6596 / 633/1 /
  6. Gnitetskaya T.N., Shutko Y.E., Ivanova E.B. The content of the course of physics in the context of physical research methods. Proceedings of the International Scientific – Technical Conference “Physics and Mathematics, and Technology Education: Problems and Prospects”, Part 1 – M., MPGU, «», 2015. – 260 p.
  7. Gnitetskaya T.N., Shutko Y.E. An analysis of the physics course content for engineering majors means intrasubject communications. Proceedings of the International Scientific – Technical Conference “Physics, Mathematics and Technology Education: Challenges and Prospects for Development” Part 2. – M.: Moscow State Pedagogical University, «», 2016. – 336 p.
  8. Lozovskiy V.N. Course of Physics: A Textbook for high schools: In 2 v. / Ed VN Lozovsky. – SPb. Ed. Lan, 2000. – 1168 p.
  9. Order of the President of Russia on Oct 18. 2013 ¹ Pr-2426 (paragraph 1.2)
  10. Savelyev I.V. Course of general physics (in 3 volumes). – M.: Publishing house. The science. 1982 – 1248 p.
  11. Savelyev I.V. Course of general physics (in 3 volumes). – SPb. Ed. Lan. 2016 – 1168 p.


Information Technologies: to What Extent They Can Really Be Useful in Teaching Physics and Mathematics?
N.P. Kalashnikov, A.S. Olchak, O.V. Scherbachev
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Kashirskoe sh. 31, Moscow, 115409 Russia
E-mail:  ,,
Received April 25, 2016 PACS 01.40.-d,

Authors consider particular cases when evidently beneficial (in general) introduction of information technologies into educational process comes across certain psychological limitations, turning its benefits into losses. Certain compromise is suggested.
Keywords: information technologies, physics; mathematics, education.


  1. Nagy A. The Impact of E-Learning // E-Content: Technologies and Perspectives for the European Market / Bruck, P.A.; Buchholz, A.; Karssen, Z.; Zerfass, A. (Eds). – Berlin: Springer- Verlag, 2005. – P. 79-96.
  2. Changing Course: Ten Years of Tracking Online Education in the United States / Babson Survey Research Group. – 2013. – P. 4. – ISBN 978-0-9840288-3-2.
  3. Ignatov V.N., Kalashnikov N.P., Matronchik A,Yu., Olchak A.S., et al. Physics in High Education (in Russian), 2015, vol. 21, no. 3, p. 58-79.
  4. Russian State Tretyakov Gallery. Art from XII-th to the beginning of XX-th Century. – Moscow,

ScanRus Publishers, 2007. – p. 194. – ISBN 978-5-93221-120-5.


Differentiated Approach in University Student’s Independent Work Organization with Information Technologies
D.A. Isaev1, L.B. Filippova2
1Moscow State Pedagogical University
119882, Malaya Pirogovskaya st, 1/1, Moscow, Russia; eAmail:
2Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I. M. Gubkin 119991, Leninsky Prospekt, 65, Moscow, Russia; eAmail:

Received May 25, 2016 PACS 01.40.-d, 01.40.Fk

The article presents the differentiation of university students’ extracurricular independent work based on the cognitive independence levels determination with information technologies.
Keywords: independent work, extracurricular independent work, differentiation, cognitive independence.

  1. Bogomolov S.N., Individual approach in physics training based on personal computer simulations. –dissertation, Moscow, 1991 – P. 186 [in Russian].
  2. Guzeev V.V., Informative independence of students and development of educational technology /Guzeev V.V. – Moscow: School technology Research Institute, 2004. – P. 192 [in Russian].
  3. High School didactics:some problems of modern didactics / Skatkin M.N., 2-nd issue. – Ìoscow: Prosveshchenie, 1982. – P. 324 [in Russian].
  4. Esipov B.P., Students’ independent work in classes / Esipov B.P. – Ìoscow: Uchpedgiz, 1961. –P. 240 [in Russian].
  5. Zagvyazinskiy V.I.,Training theory: A modern interpretation: a textbook for university students / Zagvyazinskiy V.I.. – Ìoscow: Academy, 2001. – P. 192 [in Russian].
  6. Zimnaya I.A., Educational Psychology: A Textbook for high schools / Zimnaya I.A. – Ìoscow: “Logos” Publishing Corporation, 2000. – P. 384 [in Russian].
  7. Personalization and differentiation of training at night school. / Glayzer G.D. –  Ìoscow: Prosveshchenie, 1985. – P. 143 [in Russian].
  8. Kleshcheva N.A., Learning personalization based on ECM in practical classes in physics at technical colleges. – dissertation. – Chelyabinsk, 1990[in Russian].
  9. Krutetskiy V.A., Educational psychology fundamentals / Krutetskiy V.A. – Ìoscow: Prosveshchenie, 1972. – P. 256 [in Russian].
  10. Lerner I.Y., Criteria levels of students cognitive independence / Lerner I.Y.// New researches in pedagogical sciences. – Ìoscow: Pedagogika, 1971. – ¹ 4. – Pp. 34-39 [in Russian].
  11. Mikelson R.M., About students’ independent work / Mikelson R.M. – Ìoscow: Uchpedgiz, 1993. – P. 176 [in Russian].
  12. Pidkastistyj P.I., Students’ independent work / Pidkastistyj P.I. – Ìoscow: Pedagogika, 1972. – P. 173 [in Russian].
  13. Polovnikova N.A., System and Dialectics of cognitive training school autonomy / Education of cognitive activity and students’ independence / Polovnikova N.A., – Kazan, 1969. – Pp. 45-61 [in Russian].
  14. Purysheva N.S., Differentiated physics studies at high school / Purysheva N.S. – Ìoscow: Promitej, 1993. – P. 161 [in Russian].
  15. Rukman V.B., Personalisation of the students’ learning activities formation in physics teaching. – dissertation, Moscow, 1989. – P. 201 [in Russian].
  16. Unt I.E., Personalization and differentiation of training / Unt I.E., – Moscow, Pedagogika, 1990. – P. 192 [in Russian].
  17. Shamova T.I., School teaching activation/ Shamova T.I. – Ìoscow: Pedagogika, 1982. – P. 209 [in Russian].

The State and Prospects of the Physics Practicum at the Technical University
N.A. Zadorozhniy, A.N. Morozov, S.L. Timchenko
Moscow State Technical University named N.E. Bauman
2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia; e-mail:

Received June 3, 2016 PACS 01.55.+b

The article sets out the main tasks of a laboratory practical work at the technical University. Is an example of expanding the range of possibilities of using laboratory course in the study of topics in General physics, special topics in physics and formulation of physical models of practical tasks for students of technical specialties and areas of training in technical physics. The conditions for collaborative scientific-research work of students related specialties were shown. An example of the integrated learning process of the departments of physics and of the Department of foundry MGTU of the Bauman University based on textbooks, teaching materials and laboratory equipment of the Department of physics, which is the faculty of fundamental Sciences, has been considered. For example, students (bachelors and masters) of the Department of physics studying in the field of study “Technical physics” developed a program of four-level laboratory course that allows you to practice the sections of General physics, special sections, to get skills of research work.
Keywords: bachelors, masters, technical physics, laboratory course, student‘s research work, four-level educational system.

  1. Y.G. Tatur. Educational process at the university: methodology and design experience (Moscow, MSTU n.a. N.E. Bauman, 2009) [in Russian].
  2. G.V. Balabina. History of the Physics Department of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, MSTU n.a. N.E. Bauman, 2012) [in Russian].
  3. A.N. Morozov, O.S. Erkovich, S.L. Timchenko, M.L. Pozdishev. // Physics in Higher Education, vol. 20, No. 3, p. 5 (2014) [in Russian].
  4. N.A. Zadorozhnyi, N.V. Kalachev, A.N. Morozov, S.L. Timchenko. Specialized laboratory practical work in physics (NIRS) -20 years (Physics in Higher Education, vol. 18, No. 4, p. 59 (2012). [in Russian].
  5. O.S. Erkovich, S.P. Erkovich, A.A. Esakov, I.S. Golyak. The formation of the matrix of competencies as a design tool program of a discipline (Physics in Higher Education, vol. 18, No. 3, 27 (2012). [in Russian].

About Measuring Plank Constant (ž) in Physics Laboratory
V.N. Kologrivov

MIPT, sub-faculty General Physic,
141700, Moscow region, t. Dolgoprudnyi, Institutskiji per.9,
Received April 27, 2016 PACS 79.60.-I

The use of a photovoltaic cell (PV) manufacturing allows you to define – order-of- magnitude. Theoretically and experimentally shown is the use of a specific area of volt-ampere characteristics (WAÑ) industrial photocell allows receiving – with a small margin of error.
Keywords: photoeffect, Plank constant, physical practice.

References [in Russian]
1. Igoshin F.f., Samarskiy Yu.A., Tsypenyuk Yu.M. Laboratory Workshop on General Physics. Quantum physics. M., Physmath-book, 2012, P. 11.

Usage of Multipurpose Software at Laboratory Lessons of “Atomic Physics” Department of MEPhI
N.A. Klyachin, A.Yu. Matronchik, E.V. Khangulyan
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Kashirskoe shosse 31, Moscow, 115409, Russia;
e5mail:, ,

Received April 1, 2016 PACS 01.55.+b

One considers usage of “PowerGraph” software in laboratory exercise “Study of Sodium Spectrum” of physical experiment lessons. Together with the design of experiment setup, one discusses the sodium spectra digitized with computer audio chip.
Keywords: physical experiment lessons, laboratory work, “PowerGraph” software, sodium spectrum.

  1. A.N. Dolgov, S.O. Elyutin, V.N. Ignatov, N.A. Klyachin, A.Yu. Matronchik, B.N. Mesherin, S.S. Muraviev5 Smirnov, M.V. Pentegova, V.F. Fedorov, E.V. Khangulyan, Physics in Higher Education 19(2), 3–15 (2013).
  2. PowerGraph Software, available at
  3. Laboratory workshop “Spectra of atoms and molecules” edited by V.V. Surkov (MEPhI Publishing, Moscow, 2007).


The Use of Logic-Dynamic Processes Specification for Computer Implementation of Dynamic Systems Physical Models
Vladimir Mikhaylovich  Shpakov

St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and automation of RAS 199178, RF, St. Petersburg, VI, 14 Line 39
Received May 18, 20126 PACS 01.50.Lc

The requirements for the computer process modeling tools, focused on modeling of dynamic systems in order to study physics are discussed. The transitive logic-dynamic approach to the process specification is briefly described. In the examples of two simple simulations of dynamic systems advantages of using logical-dynamic processes specifications both at the stage of development of programs for the implementation of physical models of systems, and in the course of model experiments and the results processing are demonstrated.
Keywords: physics, knowledge representation, knowledge processing, process specifications, computer simulation.

  1. Ochkov V.F., Solodov A.P. // Computer tools in education: between Scylla and Charybdis, / CToolsEdu.pdf, [in Russian].
  2. Oscar N. Garcia and Yi-Tzuu Chien, Knowledge-Based Systems: Fundamentals and Tools, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, 1991. 495 pp.
  3. Shpakov V.M. Executable specifications of production processes transition models, Mechatronics, automation, control, ¹ 3, 2004. p. 38-45, [in Russian].
  4. EnviSim environment for simulation of interacting hybrid processes,, [in Russian].

5. Starzhinskiy V.M., Theoretical mechanics. — M: Nauka, 1980, [in Russian].


From the Home of the Experiment in Physics – to Kurchatov Project: Stages of pre-University Training in the Lyceum
I.A. Gerasimov, A.U. Matronchik, G.S. Bogdanov
National Research Nuclear University « MEPHI»
115409 Moscow, Kashirskoye road 31,e-mail:
Received June 3, 2016 PACS 01.55.+b

The article deals with the problems associated with the study of physics at the university in particular laboratory work in physics. Reasons of these problems considered. The description of the existing training system of profile training within the framework of additional education in lyceum ¹ 1547 aimed at their minimization is given.
Keywords: profile training, physics at school, physics at university, laboratory works.

References [in Russian]

  1. Vasil’evÀ.À., Gorin L.N., Igoshin D.N. The development of thinking of students of technical specialties // On-line Journal «Mir nauki». 2015, ¹ 4.
  2. Gerasimov I.A., Matronchik A.Yu., Bogdanov G.S. Modernization of pre-University training in physics and mathematics Lyceum. // Dynamics of modern science: Collection of articles of International scientific-practical conference (August 15, 2015, Ufa) – Ufa: Editorial and publishing department of the international centre for innovation research “Omega science”, 2015. – p. 110-112.
  3. Ignatov, V.N., Kalashnikov N.P., Matronic A.J., Olczak, A.S. Samarchenko D.A and Khangulyan E.V. National Students Olympic Competitions in Physics as a Mirror of Physical Education Quality in Russia. Physics in Higher Education. 2015, Vol. 21, ¹ 3, pp. 58-79.
  4. Yasukowa L.A. Education reform: goals and challenges // School technologies. 2011, ¹ 5, p. 7-19.
  5. Gerasimov I.A., Ilincheva E.I., Solodky I.A. Pre-University training in physics and mathematics lyceum //Development trendsof psychology and pedagogy: Collection of articles of International scientific- practical conference (March 20, 2015, Ufa) – Ufa: Àeterna, 2015. – p. 45-48.
  6. Gerasimov I.A., Kurochkina O.N., Moiseev B.A. Elements of pre training in physics and mathematics lyceum // The role of psychology and pedagogy in development of society. Collection of articles of International scientific-practical conference (April 23, 2015, Ufa) – Ufa: Editorial and publishing department of the international center for innovation research “Omega science”, 2015. – p. 12-16.
  7. Kovtunovich M.G. Home experiment in physics. Moscow: Publishing Center for Humanities VLADOS, 2007, 207 p.
  8. Lukyanovà M.I., Kalinina N.V. Educational motivation of school students as an indicator of the effectiveness of educational process at school. Moscow, 2008 // Psycho-pedagogical diagnosis of the learning process: a reader / Comp. V.L. Socolow – Moscow: ANO “PSYCHOLOGICAL ONLINE LIBRARY”.


The Effectiveness of Teaching Physics at the Preparatory Departments of Technical Colleges
Anna A. Chovpan
Kharkiv National Medical University, av. Science, 4, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61022, e-mail:
Received March 23, 2016 PACS

This article summarizes the main features, also analyzed the effectiveness of physical education at the preparatory department of technical universities, particularly in the NTU “KhPI”.
Keywords: preparatory Department, physical education, criteria of training effectiveness.

  1. Kostina V.F. Ways of development of cognitive capabilities of students of preparatory departments of universities in teaching physics: Abstract of thesis cand. ped. sci. – Kuibyshev, 1984. [in Russian]
  2. Sokolovych Y.A., Bogdanov G.S. Handbook of physics of high school with examples of solving problems. — Kharkiv.: Vesta: Edition «Ranok», 2002. – 464 p. [in Ukrainian]
  3. Guscha A.Y., Putan L.A. Manual in physics for preparatory departments. – Minsk: Higher School, 1984. – 320 p. [in Russian]
  4. Farber F.E. Physics: tutorial. – M.: Higher School, 1979. – 320 p. [in Russian]
  5. Galko A.S., Agevych R.S., Koshevaya N.S., Belozertseva V.I., Chovpan A.A. Demonstration in physics in Section magnetic field. “Actual problems of physics and Its Information Support”. 14 regional scientific students` conference (Abstracts). – Kharkov. – 2014. – p. 71. [in Russian]


Training of Future Physics Teachers to Manage Educational and Research Projects at School
E.I. Varaksina, V.V. Mayer

FSBEI of HPE «The Glazov Korolenko State Pedagogical Institute», Glazov, Russia 427621, Glazov, 25, Pervomayskaya St.; e-mail:

Received April 28, 2016 PACS 01.40.J!

The paper presents the technology of training of applied Bachelors to manage schoolchildren’s optional project activity devoted to educational research of the physical phenomena. Three main issues that should be solved by a physics teacher are considered. The effectiveness of the technology is shown with the help of an example: at first a student has realized an educational investigation of pulse method of measurement of sound velocity in gases, and next the student has organized the schoolchildren’s project investigation. The paper was prepared within a research project ¹ 16-16-18008 supported by Russian Foundation for Humanities and the Udmurt Republic.
Keywords: experimental preparedness, physics teacher, student, schoolchildren, project activity, sound velocity, pulse method.

References [in Russian]

  1. Korolev M.Yu., Koroleva L.V. Discipline of «Physics» in the System of Preparation of Bachelors Mathematical and Natural-Science Profiles in the Direction of «Pedagogical Education» // Physics in Higher Education. 2013. Vol. 19. ¹ 2. P. 143-147.
  2. Korolev M.Yu., Koroleva L.V. Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education and Natural! Science Education of Students of Pedagogical Universities // Physics in Higher Education. 2015. Vol. 21. ¹ 4. P. 92-104.
  3. Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the Direction of Preparation 050100 Pedagogical Education, 2011.
  4. Mayer V.V., Varaksina E.I. Educational resources of students’ project activity in physics: monograph. – Moscow: FLINTA: Nauka, 2015. – 224 p.
  5. Federal State Educational Standard of secondary (complete) general education. http:// ìèíîáðíàóêè.ðô/äîêóìåíòû/2365 (reference date: 04.07.2016).
  6. Kalachev N.V., Smirnov A.V., Smirnov S.A. Formation of Professional Competences of Creative Character in the Methodical System of Experimental Training for Physics Teachers Students // Physics in Higher Education. 2013. Vol. 19. ¹ 1. P. 31-36.
  7. Chiganov A.S., Yakushevich V.I. The Problem of the Physical and Technical Competence of Students! physicist, Teachers and Senior School Children // Physics in Higher Education. 2013. Vol. 19. ¹ 4.  P. 132-146.
  8. Razumovsky V.G., Mayer V.V. Physics at school. Scientific method of knowledge and training. – Moscow: VLADOS, 2004.
  9. Mayer V.V., Varaksina E.I. Pulse method of measuring the sound velocity // Potential. 2014. ¹ 11. P. 65-74.
  10. Mayer V.V., Varaksina E.I. Sound velocity in gases // Potential. 2015. ¹ 7. P. 62-70.
  11. Varaksina E.I. Improvement of the technique of formation of basic competence of future physics teachers // Basic Research. 2012. ¹ 11. Part 6. P. 1356-1359.

Lab «Research of Talbot Effect in the Diffraction of Light on the Amplitude Diffraction Gratings»
B.G. Skuybin, E.V. Smirnov
Bauman Moscow State Thechnical Univercity 105005, Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya, 5; E-mail:
Received March 2, 2016 PACS 42.25.Fx

This paper reports observation of the Talbot effect in one-dimensional and two- dimensional diffraction gratings in the laboratory work prepared by students of Bauman MSTU in the student’s experimental laboratory of physics of the Department of physics. Noted accurate experimental implementation of diffraction effects in the near zone (Fresnel diffraction) and agreement of the obtained results with the data of theoretical consideration. The experimental setup for observation of Talbot effect, implemented by the students, has already been introduced in the laboratory workshop of the Department of Physics of Bauman MSTU and used in education process.
Keywords: diffraction gratings, Fresnel diffraction, Talbot effect, the phenomenon of self-image.

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New Installation for the Study of Rolling Friction
A.R. Filipp, I.I. Jolnerevich, V.V. Gurinovich

Belarusian State University
4 Nezavisimosti avenue, Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus
Received March 28, 2016 PACS 65.20.-w

This article explores the new original installation created in the Belarusian State University for studying the rolling friction. It considers its advantages compared with currently existing time devices on similar topics. It is shown that the installation can be used for measuring the friction coefficients of spherical and cylindrical rolling bodies, which are made of different materials. This installation can be recommended for using in the educational process in higher educational institutions.
Keywords: rolling friction, spherical and cylindrical rolling bodies, measuring the friction coefficients.

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Determination of the Basic Characteristics of Lithium-ion Battery
À.I. Ukolov
Kerch State Marine Technological University,
st. Ordzhonikidze, 82, Kerch, 298309, Russia; e-mail:

Received April 25, 2016 PACS 01.50.Pa

The methodology of laboratory-based research for definition of performance characteristics of lithium-ion battery is described. An electrical scheme of the unit is mounted on the basis of a controller ZC 10500 that ensures sound conditions of battery charging and discharging as well as protects it from incorrect carrying-out of work by students. According to experience based data the calculation of diffusion coefficient of lithium ions, internal resistance and efficiency of current source is executed.
Keywords: laboratory work, physical workshop, lithium-ion battery.


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Electrostatic Field of a Periodically Charged Direct Wire
S.Yu. Glazov1, T.A. Kovaleva2, G.A. Syrodoev1

1 Volgograd State Pedagogical University Volgograd, 400066, Lenin pr., 27, Russia;
2 Volgograd State Medical University
Volgograd, 400131, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq, 1, Russia; e-mail:

Received May 6, 2016 PACS 41.20.Cv

The solution of the original physics problem – finding the vector of strength and of the potential of the electric field for direct harmonically charged wire is presented in this article. The results obtained allow to calculate the electric fields of periodically charged straight wires, for which the laws of charge distribution could differ significantly from the harmonic. A comparative analysis of the electric field of periodically charged wire with a field of system of dipoles oriented straightly, was performed. It is proposed to include this kind of problems into the Course of general and theoretical physics.
Keywords: electrostatic field, direct periodically charged wire, a linear chain of dipoles, the principle of superposition, the Bessel function.

  1. Sivukhin D.V. General Physics Course. 5-ed. – Moscow: Physmathlit, 2005.
  2. Irodov I.E. The Basic Laws of Electromagnetism. 3-ed. — M.: Physmathlit, 2000.
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  6. Glazov S.Yu., Vydry T.I., Kovalev T.A. Shielding charged thread gas with electronic 2D superstructure in stark terms of quantization // Materials of the 15th International Seminar «Physics-mathematical modeling of systems. – Voronezh, 2016. – Pp. 49-54.

Experimental Research Problem «Oscillating Circuit Containing Two Consecutively Connected Condensers»
S.P. Zhakin, I.N. Rogova

Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T. S. Maltsev 641300, Russia, Kurgan region, Ketovsky district, village Lesnikovo; e-mail:
Received April 18, 2016 PACS 01.50.My

The method of the solution of experimental problems made on the demonstrative experiment basis is shown in this article. They have the researching character in this variant and encourage the development of logical and creative thinking and knowledge fixing.
Keywords: adaptation, problem teaching, demonstrative experiment, self – induction phenomenon, oscillating circuit.

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The Mechanical Forces and the Task of Dynamics in Teaching of Physics. Part 1. The Forces of Mechanics

A.V. Kupavtsev, E.O. Kiktenko
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
5, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
Received May 10, 2016 PACS +01.40.-d

The concept of force belongs to the important concept of mechanics and the whole of science, along with such basic concepts as space, time, mass, and others. All the variety of mechanical interaction between bodies is carried out by force. The largest number of forces there is in mechanics. The rapid development of new ideas of modern science and the development of production requires in-depth knowledge of the power and their organizing, streamlining terminology, tracing the genetic roots of various forces. Five types of forces in mechanics are allocated: the interaction of gravitational force field, interaction via touch, deformation of the bodies in the interaction, the occurrence of the relative motion of the bodies in contact, the forces of viscosity and resistance in the medium. We considered the forces arising in the rolling. A unified system of description of forces in mechanics, which reflects, in particular, the properties of the vector forces and ideal model schemes of the action. Clarified the definition of a number of forces, were clarified characteristics.
Keywords: types of forces in mechanics, united table of them mechanical forces.

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