Physics in Higher Education
V. 18, N 2, 2012
The contents

3 Principle of the Scientific Actuality in Physics Teaching
A.E. Tulintsev
7 Methods of Scientific World Outlook Forming During at Studying Physics
T.M. Elkanova
18 Some Methodological Problems of Fundamentals of Thermodynamics in High School
V.T. Belov
24 Electromagnetism and the Surrounding World
V.A. Aleshkevich
30 German Experience in Solution of Science and Education Problems
N.M. Kozhevnikov
40 Graphs in the General Physics Course
V.I. Nikolaev, T.A. Bushina
45 The Key Role of Presentations in the Lecture Course of Physics
N.M. Galiyarova
54 Problems of Physics Teaching in Modern Medical Education
S.E. Efimovsky
58 Diagnostic Tools and Means of Overcoming the Psychological and Cognitive Barriers During the Process of Teaching Physics Problems Solving
L.A. Larchenkova
71 The Virtual Laboratory Practicum "String’s Waves" Project’s Design
A.V. Baranov
83 Studying of Dynamics of Jet Movement by Means of Computer Laboratory Work
N.S. Kravchenko, O.G. Revinskaya
93 The Determination of the Adiabatic Exponent by Method of Clement–Dezorma
B.W. Karelin, N.R. Kustova
99 Nanomaterials Science Learning Resource for Secondary Schools
K.M. Suomolaynen , E.S. Egorina, N.M. Iakovleva, A.V. Siromolotova
105 Synergetics Ideas in the Training of Teacher of Physics
E.S. Vaseva, S.E. Popov
111 Role of the Modern Educational Physical Experiment in Teaching of Physics in Secondary School
M.O. Verkhovtseva
118 Two Years of Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider: Expectations, Outcomes and Prospects. Part 1
G.M. Vereshkov, L.A. Minasyan
132 Two Years of Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider: Expectations, Outcomes and Prospects. Part 2
G.M. Vereshkov, L.A. Minasyan
148 Abstracts


Principle of the Scientific Actuality in Physics Teaching
A.E. Tulintsev
Moscow Pedagogical State University; e-mail:

Article is devoted discussion necessity of connection of actual scientific knowledge and training process. It is offered allowing constructing the original approach originally scientific scheme of an explication of a subject.
Keywords: structure of an extensive course of physics, recurrence of knowledge, parities between classical and modern physics, principle of the scientific actuality.

Methods of Scientific World Outlook Forming During at Studying Physics
T.M. Elkanova
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North-Ossetian
State University after K.L. Khetagurov"; e-mail:

There have been considered and illustrated with concrete examples the active methods of world outlook forming.
Keywords: physics, education, teaching methods, scientific world outlook, the methods of cognition.

Some Methodological Problems of Fundamentals of Thermodynamics in High School
V.T. Belov
Krym Economical Institute;

It is shown that in presenting the foundations of thermodynamics must be remembered that all the thermodynamic processes and functions are defined in an affine space. Neglect of this fact results in a physically absurd results.
Keywords: affine space, thermodynamic functions, thermodynamic processes.

Electromagnetism and the Surrounding World
V.A. Aleshkevich
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; e-mail:

The new concept of the disciplines "Electromagnetism", "Electrodynamics" etc. adjusted for outstanding scientific achievements and technical developments in the field of electromagnetism is proposed. These achievements have changed not only the environment, but also the mentality and thinking of homo sapiens. This is the main argument in favor of the need for updating programs and educational literature.
Keywords: electromagnetism, concept of the disciplines, scientific achievements, technical developments, programs, educational literature.

German Experience in Solution of Science and Education Problems
N.M. Kozhevnikov
St-Petesburg State Polytechnical University; e-mail:

Interactive museums of fascinating science increase pupils interest in nature subjects learning. To prepare talented young people for students’ life special experimental laboratories are organized in German universities. Physics high education is focused on experimental knowledge, skill and experience. High efficiency of German science is a result of its close connection with the real economics based on innovative industry. The paper reflects author personal impressions of the visit to Goettingen University.
Keywords: interactive museums of fascinating science; pre-university training; standards of secondary education; teaching physics in high schools; experimental focus of educational process; education, science and production innovation.

Graphs in the General Physics Course
V.I. Nikolaev, T.A. Bushina
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; e-mail:

As it is well known, the problem of the graphs role in teaching process is developed, without doubt, insufficiently. Among the most important its aspects the version which is connected with the technology "one under another" is especially poor represented in literature. The series of graphs created with using of the mentioned technology are the most difficult for purples. The authors of the article just performed an attempt to fill this gap. The article contents the bibliographic data of the teaching aid "Difficult graphs in the general physics course" printed by Operative Printing Department of the faculty of physics of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. This book is designed to students and tutors, as well as to purples and teachers.
Keywords: graphs, technology of graphs drawing, difficult graphs.

The Key Role of Presentations in the Lecture Course of Physics
N.M. Galiyarova
Volgograd State Architectural-Building University; e-mail:

The paper generalizes the experience of giving lectures on physics based on the complex of the original presentations developed by the author for 1-2 courses of students specialized in various civil engineering fields. The possibilities of a lecture in presentational form for deep understanding by students of the fundamental ideas and concepts, for developing of abstracting skills, for increasing the visibility and decision of various pedagogical purposes are shown.
Keywords: problems of education, lecture presentation, Physics as Fundamental Science, Physics as a part of Culture, Physics for Civil Engineering.

Physics Teaching in Modern Medical Education
S.E. Efimovsky
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk; e-mail:

The problems of teaching the principles of physics for students of medical and pharmaceutical universities are discussed. It is shown that over the last several years there have been seen the destruction of relatively successive knowledge of physics and substitution of its fragmented sections of the "medical" physics.
Keywords: medical physics, basic medical sciences, medical physics textbooks, State educational standards in physics and mathematics.

Diagnostic Tools and Means of Overcoming the Psychological and Cognitive Barriers During the Process of Teaching Physics Problems Solving
L.A. Larchenkova
A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University; e-mail:

The possibility of the use of the physics solving in physical education is discussed. In particular the special role of physics problem is emphasized to help overcome cognitive difficulties and development of physics understanding.
Keywords: physics teaching, physics problems solving, psychological and cognitive barriers, physics understanding.

The Virtual Laboratory Practicum "String’s Waves" Project’s Design
A.V. Baranov
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Department of General Physics; e-mail:

The virtual labs complex "String’s waves" designed by students as a learning project is used in the laboratory practicum of the Technical University.
Keywords: teaching physics, project method, virtual lab, string’s waves.

Studying of Dynamics of Jet Movement by Means of Computer Laboratory Work
N.S. Kravchenko, O.G. Revinskaya
Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634034, Tomsk, av. Lenin, 30; e-mail:

The studying technique in a course of the general physics of dynamics of jet movement of a body in a laboratory practical work by means of computer model is offered.
Keywords: physical models, computer models, educational physical experiment.

The Determination of the Adiabatic Exponent by Method of Clement–Dezorma
B.W. Karelin, N.R. Kustova
Voronezh Branch of Moscow State University of Moscow State University of Railway
Transport (MIIT); e-mail:

The cause of the discrepancy adiabatic exponent measured by Clement-Dezorm is shown in this text and its true value is due by presence of the surface layer. The method is proposed by introduction of amendments of Poisson equation.
Keywords: method Clement-Dezorm; adiabatic exponent; surface layer.

Nanomaterials Science Learning Resource for Secondary Schools
K.M. Suomolaynen , E.S. Egorina, N.M. Iakovleva, A.V. Siromolotova
Petrozavodsk, the Karelian State Pedagogical Academy;
E-mail: ,

This article presents an electronic learning resource (ELR) on nanoscience basics for secondary school students. It consists of four sections: "What is nano?", "What are nanomaterials?", "What is nanotechnology?", "Nanotechnology Applications". Working with the resource one can study a number of illustrated materials and videos in addition to solving crossword puzzles, doing the exercises, laboratory research and tests. A resource can be used both during the lesson and for independent study (remote access via IntraNet network).
Keywords: electronic learning resource, nanomaterials, nanotechnology, secondary school.

Synergetics Ideas in the Training of Teacher of Physics
E.S. Vaseva, S.E. Popov
Nizhniy Tagil State Social – Pedagogical Academia; e-mail:

The article deals with some aspects of methods of teaching the synergetics ideas in the form of an elective course, it also touches upon the vision concept of the discipline. As an example the authors give the realization of the research project on construction of a diagram of the parameter plane partition into the areas corresponding to different types of stability for the brusselator model.
Keywords: synergetics; shaping world outlook; computational experiment; brusselator; singular point; phase portrait; bifurcation.

Role of the Modern Educational Physical Experiment in Teaching of Physics in Secondary School
M.O. Verkhovtseva
Hertsen Russian State Pedagogical University; e-mail:

The present paper is dedicated to a problem of improvement of teaching methodology of Physics in secondary school. The advantages of usage of the up-to-date digital measuring instruments within the framework of school physical experiment are defined. The necessity of creation of the physical experiment system on the basis of digital measuring laboratories is grounded.
Keywords: methodic of teaching of physics in secondary school, digital measuring instruments, physical experiment system.

Two Years of Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider: Expectations, Outcomes and Prospects. Part 1
G.M. Vereshkov1,2, L.A. Minasyan3
1Research Institute for Physics of the Southern Federal University
2Nuclear Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; e-mail:
3Southern Russian State University of Economics and service; e-mail:

In the first part the phenomena associated with the study of the hadronic vacuum in the pilot program Large Hadron Collider is examined. It includes the examination of hadronic jets, the cross sections of proton-proton interactions, the Bose-correlated states of pions, the quark-gluon plasma. The vacuum field in the theory of electroweak interactions is analyzed and the characteristics of the Standard Model of the electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions of quarks and leptons are given.
Keywords: Large Hadron Collider, Hadron vacuum, the theory of electroweak interactions, the standard model.

Two Years of Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider: Expectations, Outcomes and Prospects. Part 2
G.M. Vereshkov1,2, L.A. Minasyan3
1Research Institute for Physics of the Southern Federal University
2Nuclear Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; e-mail:
3Southern Russian State University of Economics and service; e-mail:

In the second part of the article the peculiarities of the Minimal Super symmetric Standard Model are considered. These peculiarities served the rationale to include into the program of the collider the experiment of super symmetry verification on the energy scale MSUSY <1000 GeV in order to artificially generate and register directly the super symmetric partners of the Standard Model known particles. The main results of the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider basic research program in November 2011 are analyzed. The Standard Model conceptual problems and their possible experimental verification are shown.
Keywords: Large Hadron Collider, the minimal super symmetry standard model.